Tuesday, November 5, 2013

STREAKED SHEARWATER Calonectris leucomelas

STREAKED SHEARWATER Calonectris leucomelas 
White-faced Shearwater
L 48 cm, WS 122 cm
Vagrant (breeds N Pacific, wintering southwards, including E Indian Ocean). Resembles Cory’s in overall size, structure, flight action and basic coloration but is slightly sleeker and finerbilled, with whitish head contrasting with dark brownish streaking on hindcrown and nape, more ‘scaly’ upperparts (owing to paler feather fringes), and distinctive streaked dark carpal patch on underwing (and, less obviously, a small dark notch at base of leading edge). Amount of white on head varies, some only whitish about face, on others white extends over most of head. Beware Cory’s with pale (bleached) head and neck, which can look whiteheaded in bright light (such birds, however, lack dark nape and are very pale on mantle). Like Cory’s, some birds may show a whitish crescent on uppertail coverts.

Silent at sea.
Vagrant (Eilat, Israel). Pelagic away from breeding colonies.

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